The present article is concerned with the study of innovative actualization of FASHION concept on the basis of the English language. The article deals with peculiarities of innovations in the vocabulary with a glance to the typical for the modern culture characteristics. The article presents information considering «concept» notion in terms of individual meaning fixation related to lexical units – neologisms, and FASHION concept is analysed on the basis of these units. Actual article goes through FASHION notion following from modern tendencies, which are fixed in the English language as it is sensitive to the changes which are the result of new fashion directions and changes that are the ultimate outcome of the culture-specific elements of the XXI century, which have strong connection both with everyday life and cultural attainments. Applicability of the actual phenomenon is due to the fact that fashion conception is one of the regulators of social behavior of significant social layers. Rapid and inevitable scientific-technical changes have an impact on sociocultural living conditions of modern people. Fast pace of vocabulary updating of the English language determines new perspectives for the further investigation. Actual article presents cognitive analysis of neologisms connected with modern tendencies as it can help to form more precise vision of FASHION concept. This particular concept is a unique phenomenon which accompanies humanity and it has been existing on different stages of the evolution as it acts a significant role of the «mirror» of the humanity processes. Semiotics of this notion is quite complicated and ambivalent in the context of this study, in spite of that fact that the object of the study includes obvious and common things. The study of the FASHION concept, as a phenomenon of mass culture, helps to renovate and to change attitude to the environment and to the culture with the analysis of everyday clothes, general tendencies which are related to the style, appearance and the way of life. It should be noticed that actual concept is studied on the basis of the material taken from beauty magazines, blogs, online media outlets, which help to reveal the main tendencies.
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