Keywords: reiteration, apozyopezys, ellipsis, grammatical parallelism, parcellation/isolated sentences, enumeration, syntactic tautology


In this study the problem of functioning of means of expressiveness is examined in a text. The aim is to allocate the means of syntactic expressiveness in English-Language detective stories. Means of expressiveness/speech figures convey emotionality with the help of using syntactic structures such as inversion, rhetorical question, parallel design, contrast, etc. These means emphasize on the expressiveness of a language.

In syntax all elements have expressive influence. They contain a formal expressiveness and the expressiveness of a structure. The thing is that expressive possibilities of the structure serve as a basis of a stylistic sense, because, as a fact, in the structure a human content is realized as a result of activity that is expressed in a form of activity.

Syntax means of expressiveness include normative and syntactic structure. The expressiveness of a normative structure is determined by the context, for example, by the type of its compositional and speech form, by the scheme of presentation, by the type of tonality. Syntactic structures have abstract character of the expressiveness, for example, the length of sentence, word order in a sentence, the semantic type of sentence. This variety of syntactic means of expressiveness has an attributive character, because it is embodied itself in a structure, but not in a context, though its appliance implements in the context.

We have analyzed the use of syntactic means of expressiveness in English-Language detective stories. It is concluded that reiteration, apozyopezys, ellipsis, grammatical parallelism, parcellation/isolated sentences, enumeration, syntactic tautology are widely spread in English-Language detective stories. In the future, the prospect is to study the pragmatic and stylistic characteristics in English- Language detective stories on the text level: types of moving-out, stylistic features, compositional and stylistic features.


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How to Cite
TSAPENKO, L. V. (2017). SYNTACTIC MEANS OF EXPRESSION IN ENGLISH DETECTIVE STORY. New Philology, (70), 216-219. Retrieved from