• YU. I. GOLUB
Keywords: lexicon, lexical unit, systemic approach, systemic parameters, systemic relations


The given article represents the results of the interpretation of the wordstock as a system, consisting of the interacting elements that are organized into the integral object. Systemic organization of the wordstock has been the subject of heated discussion and controversy among scientists. This fact is determined by a number of objective factors, among which we can distinguish certain basic features of the lexicon, such as semantic indefiniteness, heterogeneous character of its elements, difficulties in understanding of lexical groups it consists of, constant violation of the balance of lexical units. In the given article the character of the lexical system is shown through the universal principles of the general system theory. According to basic systemic parameters the lexicon is a hierarchical, structural, changeable, dynamic phenomenon that is characterized by relative indivisibility of its elements and by dialectical duality. The author comes to the conclusion that all the parameters mentioned above, that initially characterize language system as a whole, are applicable to the lexicon, in which they acquire specific manifestation. Thus, the lexicon can be described as a structured network of intersecting, semantically defined classes that reflect distinctions we make in segmenting our experience. It includes lines of synonyms and antonyms, lexical semantic and word formation groups, terminological systems, semantic and association fields. Systemic approach helps to understand how lexical units are used to shape reality, how they divide the semantic space to reflect our perception of the world. Thus, systemic organization of the lexicon is determined not only by internal factors, but also by systemic nature of the extra-linguistic world. Profound analysis of the English wordstock systemic organization is important for its adequate lexicographic presentation.


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How to Cite
GOLUB, Y. I. (2017). LEXICON OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE GENERAL SYSTEM THEORY. New Philology, (69), 41-45. Retrieved from http://novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/278