• G. W. YEYGER
Keywords: fractal self-similarity, bifurcation, linkage operator (fractal generator)


The article concerns with the research of the fractal nature of language and text structures. The role of fractal synergistic effects when constructing the text in terms of self-organization of its structure as well as in terms of sense self-organization of the text message has been substantiated. The importance of a linkage operator (fractal generator) generating a fractal text has been studied. According to the operator type, the figures of text fractals generated by it have been shown; the diversity of their structures has been classified. The prospective task has been set: to create a kind of ‘text geometry’ on the basis of this variety and to construct the corresponding concepts. Brief characteristics of fractal features in different types of texts (self-similarity of individual fragments of a text, creating a fractal text on the whole): in the megatexts such ‘A Thousand and One Nights’, short stories by Boccaccio, short stories by O’Henry, anecdotes, proverbs, folk songs, riddles, aphorisms, ethnoscience, epigrams, etiquette phraseology, film and dramatic arts, poetry. The generalization of the fractal principle of the text consists in its self-similarity on the basis of different types of linkage operator (fractal generator). These types can be: syntactic indicators (e.g., copulatives), a sequence of sentences, explication of presuppositions, and even the type of narration. The fractals in the form of short and long chains of linearly arranged text fragments, as well as non-linear arrangement of self-similar fragments (‘matryoshka doll’ type) have been investigated. The factor of fractal inclusion into general, non-fractal text has been considered. The conclusions and prospects for the development of this work are summarized in the further research program: - structural, structural-meaningful and substantive aspects of fractals can be useful while describing the phenomenon of a fractal as a field; - in the evolutionary aspect, it's possible to consider time and conditions of fractal emergence in the language and the text (in the case of a practicability, with the assistance the ideas of synergetics); - the comparison of prevalence and typology of fractals in different languages and literatures will be of interest for linguistics and literary theory; - it's possible to create a philological similarity theory (PhSTh), the following problems can be considered on the base of this development, as well as numerous text linguistics and literary research data: the definition of basic concepts, goals and ways of achieving them in PhSTh; the similarity of a text and the reality displayed in it (naturalism, realism, avant-garde, symbolism, abstraction, modernism and postmodernism); similarity of fractal components in different aspects; similarity of secondary modeling systems and texts; modeling as a means of solving the problems posed.


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How to Cite
YEYGER, G. W. (2017). THE PHENOMENON OF FRACTALS IN PHILOLOGICAL RESEARCHES. New Philology, (69), 50-59. Retrieved from