Keywords: English medical term, lexicography, multilingual dictionary, lexicographic analysis, medical terminography


The article is devoted to the study of specialized lexicography (LSP lexicography) in the field of medicine. For the first time the main peculiar features of English medical term with the juxtaposition of terminographic principles and methods have been investigated.

The aim was to reveal terminographic methods which are used for the registration of the structural and semantic features of a medical term in multilingual medical dictionaries, as an example the most popular among specialists and students dictionary Terminologia Medica Polyglotta was taken. The study was comprehensive with the use of the following methods: analytical analysis of theoretical literature published in the framework of English medical terminology, scientific and practical terminography; structural and semantic analysis of English medical terminology to identify the features and general linguistic characteristics of the medical term; method of lexicographic analysis for studying the mega-, macro- and microstructures of the dictionary, method of critical analysis of a dictionary; method of juxtaposition for summarizing the data achieved.

The juxtaposition of all the results of the study allows us to draw the following conclusions. Medical terminology is represented by term fields combined in anatomical, clinical, pharmaceutical, biological and chemical terminological blocks with various approaches to its classification. The structural and semantic analysis suggests the main sources of medical term formation. Among them morphological, syntactic and semantic ways, as well as borrowings from other languages are distinguished.

The analytical study of literature shows, that the main problems of term registration in dictionaries are registration of abbreviations, acronyms and abbreviations, neologisms, homophones, synonyms, toponyms and eponyms. The lexicographic analysis of Terminologia Medica Polyglotta shows how such terminography tasks as vocabulary selection, unification and standardization of the term, accessibility of the material for the user are solved by multilingual terminography tools on the mega-, macro- and microlevels of the dictionary.

The prospect of the further work is a comprehensive study of other types of dictionaries created in the framework of English medical termography with the subsequent development of a universal dictionary article that will satisfy the user's needs, depending on their level of language and terminology proficiency.


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How to Cite
GORDIYENKO, O. V. (2019). ENGLISH MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY: PECULIARITIES AND METHODS OF LEXICOGRAPHIC PRESENTATION IN TERMINOLOGIA MEDICA POLYGLOTTA. New Philology, (78), 16-22. Retrieved from http://novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/30

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