Keywords: politeness, asymmetry, compensation, translation


The article deals with the problem of asymmetrical display of politeness category in Ukrainian and English languages. Main reasons for such asymmetry in compared languages are explained. The urgency of the problem under the investigation is given. It is also explained why it is important to understand such difference between the two languages for specialists of different spheres of human activity especially for translators and interpreters. Ways of compensation of such asymmetry of the category mentioned above (at grammatical, lexical and stylistic language levels) are proposed. Among them the following ways and means can be specified: usage of different aspectual-temporal forms of the verbs to make the distance between interlocutors longer and the conversation between them more polite; usage of either singular or plural forms of Ukrainian second person pronoun depending on the interlocutor’s age and status; transforming sentence structure from imperative into interrogative one; usage of additional words of politeness while translating guiding inscriptions; application of wide range of affectionate diminutive suffixes in Ukrainian translations; addition of emotional component to formal and categorical cliché instructions. The conclusion was made that some of the compensation ways can be used only in one language. There are also secondary methods of compensation of politeness category asymmetry: formal positivation as a form of antonymous translation, usage of euphemisms, intentionally changed grammatical forms. One of recent tendencies currently observed in making up instructions and warnings in both languages is to make them warmer, more vivid, interesting and closer to recipients via using humour in their texts which makes them less formal in this way. The research also shows that the choice of compensation way depends on the fact into which language the translation is done. The perspective of further investigations in this direction is explained.


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How to Cite
KHAVKINA, O. M. (2017). WAYS OF COMPENSATION OF POLITENESS CATEGORY ASYMMETRY IN UKRAINIAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES IN TERMS OF TRANSLATION. New Philology, (69), 197-202. Retrieved from http://novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/323