The article is dedicated to the issue of lexical and semantic analysis usage in automatic translation systems, electronic search engines and text analysis software. Lexical and semantic analysis consists of four stages described in this paper, namely a split of the text / sentence into structural elements; semantic interpretation building of certain words and constructions; extraction of the main and meaningful parts of the text; and identifying “meaningful” semantic relations between elements. To conduct semantic analysis and to identify its peculiarities during the machine translation and search of the relevant information, the semantic analysis program “ParSem” is introduced. It is built on the basis of the world resource WordNet, a large lexical database of English which is regarded as one of the most useful tools in the natural language processing. The model of the sentence role structure (the identification of agents, patiens, benefacts, experiencers, addressees, etc.) helps to determine specific roles of the particular predicative words, groups or frames consisted both of predicates and other parts of the sentence. The search of semantic relations is conducted within a triangle “actants – action – circonstants.” Moreover, the inherent cases play a significant role in the analysis. In general, semantic structures are built with their help. The article describes eight verbal groups and eleven semantic structures implemented within the program. Besides, in the paper principles of transformation and semantic model of the translation are also given as the algorithm of machine translation. They are regarded as the significant constituent part for the machine translation and information search conducted by a computer or other electronic devices.
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