• K. A. Aliyeva
Keywords: morphosemantics, morphology, syntax, category, adjective, indefinite form, homonymous suffix


In linguistics, more and more attention is paid to the study of the inter-level interaction of layers, including the level that links morphology with syntax. Although there are some studies of the relationship between morphology and syntax in Azerbaijani linguistics, they are not systematic, and in most cases these studies are not carried out within the framework of morphosyntax. Since language is a systemic phenomenon, there is some degree of connection between all layers. The connection between morphology and syntax is so broad and inseparable that it is impossible to imagine one without the other. There are interdisciplinary education, and in modern linguistics there is a certain tendency to call them syntaxemes. The task of morphosyntax is to describe the order of formation and formation of syntaxemes. It is shown that morphosyntactic research can be carried out in two aspects: 1) through the study of the organization of the members of the sentence; 2) through the study of means of expressing syntax, the creation of positional variants. In this regard, it is important to study the inflected forms of the verb, including participles. The duality in the nature of the verb, the variety of its syntactic functions, the creation of a two-level connection in the language system, a special role in word formation, the composition and formation of sentences, etc. lead us to this conclusion. The fact that the morphological features of the forms associated with the morphological features of the inflected verb in the Azerbaijani language basically coincide, further intensifies the debate about this category. That is, forms with the suffix -mış4, -acaq2, -ası2, -malı2 form a grammatical homonymy with a declined form. While they can be syntactically parsed to locate their specific location, they can also be difficult to identify at times.


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How to Cite
Aliyeva, K. A. (2020). MORPHOSYNTAXIS COMMUNION. New Philology, 1(80), 14-20.