• T. V. Babych
  • M. V. Lipatova
Keywords: vocabulary, literary text, language units, component analysis


The semantic transformation of words in a poetic text acquires the scope of study to pave the way to a wider world of scientific knowledge. It is the rethinking of the poetic word that is unique and inherent in extremely talented people. New trends in the semantics of the word perfectly demonstrate the cohort of the sixties. The culture of speech should be instilled on such artistic samples. Poetry has always been and remains a special kind of verbal creativity. The knowledge of her secrets can never be exhausted. Reflecting the traditions of artistic development of reality and constant artistic pursuits in the field of language, the poetic picture of the world is formed by the interaction of subjective worlds of creative individuals and testifies to the aesthetic direction of language development. The language of poetry is not just a fragment of the linguistic picture of the world. The latter is the background of the poetic picture, formed not by ordinal linguistic means, but by aesthetic signs. The beginning of the two thousand years in Ukrainian linguistics is characterized by the intensification of research, which significantly increased attention to the semantic aspects of language activity, to the peculiarities of the real functioning of language. In this article we try to get new facts of implicit and explicit expressions of changes in word semantics. Their volume and quality mean the contribution of work to the development of the theory of literary text. Analysis aimed at solving modern semasiological problems, the nature and mechanisms of semantic word transformations in poetic speech. Delving into the semantic structure of the word and the reasons influencing its changes, to determine the degree and types of semantic transformations of words, and the application of cognitive research methods. They contribute to the formation of a new view of semantic transformations in poetic texts, subjective worlds of creative personalities, direction of language development, real functioning of language. The dynamism of the semantic structure of the word in the context of artistic speech is significant. After all, the word in a work of art acquires new qualities. For example, the ability to simultaneously implement multiple meanings or, conversely, only a certain part of its semantics, which depends on the combination of words in the text.


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How to Cite
Babych, T. V., & Lipatova, M. V. (2020). IMPLICITE AND EXPRESS EXPRESSIONS OF WORD SEMANTIC CHANGE. New Philology, 1(80), 33-37.