• N. A. Burka
Keywords: supervenience, factors-causes, classification, teenager, communicative behaviour


The article outlines the logic of the formation of an interpretive systemic model representing the complexes of factors that supervene on complexes of lingual and extra-lingual means actualizing the individual’s speech throughout his/ her life. On the basis of this model the author builds up an autonomous model depicting a set of complexes of factors that supervene on the complexes of lingual and extra-lingual means organizing the teenager’s suggestive communicative behaviour. The paper also reveals semantic content of the elements of the models that symbolize the complexes of causes being of different nature and degree of their abstraction as well as supervening in relation to the results of the individual’s communicative behaviour. It is shown in the paper that the factor-causes form a complex multi-level system, differentiated at the upper level of the model into their micro- and macrocosms. It was also emphasized that these causes are of a different nature, for instance, social (formed under the influence of cultures of micro- and macro-societies), psycho-emotional (emerged as a result of a change in the an individual’s mental or emotional state), motivational-and-cognitive (depended on instincts, emotions, definite feelings or results of their conscious constructing), physiological (generated by a comfortable or uncomfortable state of the individual’s body in general, as well as his/her painful sensations in particular), etc. Attention is drawn to the fact that with the supervenient nature of causes and effects, due to the regressive pattern of their interaction, the set of results can be significantly influenced, as a rule, by no more than three factors belonging to the same or different hierarchical levels. The paper also highlights the expediency of using these interconnected models while working out on the experimental research techniques for constructing matrices containing qualitative and quantitative results of scientific knowledge. The author points to the effectiveness and prospects of using the proposed models as a methodological tool for planning and elaborating the methods for the experimental study of a large number of various lingual-cognitive phenomena.


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