The article is devoted to the study of linguistic and cultural features of phraseological units with a quantitative numeral component. It analyzes the works of domestic and foreign linguists who worked in the field of linguoculturology, shows the differences in their views on determining the main linguistic and cultural features and national-cultural specifics of phraseological units. The article makes hypothetical assumptions about the cultural and linguistic specifics of French idioms. Special attention is paid to code signs that reflect the numbers in French phraseology. In the research is used the linguistic and cultural approach. From the point of view of linguoculturology, special attention is paid to phraseological units that contain a quantitative numeral component. The research material was based on phraseological units, selected by the method of continuous sampling, from the phraseological dictionary of the French language by Ya. Retsker and electronic dictionary AB-lingvo. In the linguo-cultural closure, special attention is paid to phraseological units that contain a quantitative numeral component. The article highlights some linguistic and cultural features of phraseology of the French language. The symbolic meaning of the numerals one (un, une), two (deux), three (trois), four (quatre), five (cinq) and one hundred (cent) in linguoculturology is analyzed. The ethnocultural symbolism of these numerals and their code signs in the composition of phraseological units of the French language is described. An attempt is made to identify the frequency of use of the studied language units with a quantitative numeral component in French phraseology. The study also highlights the specific properties of the phraseological units and their quantitative components, the value of which forms the national specificity in the linguoculturological aspects. The result of the study is the identification of the national-cultural labeling of phraseological units, which depends on the use and interpretation of the quantitative component in the lexical design of these units through the prism of cultural, ritual, social, mythopoetic understanding of it by the representatives of the French ethnic group. Then, the quantitative unit as a certain ethnocultural reality becomes a constituent of the phraseological image and thus reflects a certain stereotypical model of the creation of such phraseological units and proverbs.
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