Keywords: mental health, term, translation, internationalism, abbreviation, destigmatization


The article deals with the peculiarities of translating English-language documents on mental health developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) into Ukrainian language. The lexical, semantic, structural and grammatical features of the terms common for the texts of this sphere are considered.

The problems of translation of English-language texts on the given subject into Ukrainian are analyzed. Reasons explaining the urgency of such scientific studies are given; the importance and potential benefits from further research in this area are explained. The documents of WHO concerning mental health are translated into Ukrainian to help Ukrainian specialists implement the main ideas of the Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) launched by the WHO Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse in 2008. Translators working with such documents should take into consideration their specific features.

The texts on mental health are characterized by special terms among which are one-component as well as multi-component ones. Suffixation, prefixation and compounding are used to form one-component terms of the sphere. Nouns, adjectives and participles are main elements of two- and three-component terms. Numerous shortenings and abbreviations contained in the texts under the analysis are translated with corresponding shortenings or with corresponding full form of a term or terminological word combination. There are few abbreviations which are intersectoral homonyms so a translator should be particularly careful translating the texts on mental health. Translating internationalisms can also be problematic therefore transcoding can be an inappropriate method for translating some of internationalisms into Ukrainian.

Destigmatization processes are observed in the sphere of mental health. The lexemes reflecting these processes are found in the analyzed texts both in English and Ukrainian languages. The analysis of such lexemes shows an attempt to separate people who suffer from mental disorders from a disease itself, an attempt to minimize their feelings of guilt in order to destigmatize such categories of the population, as well as to motivate them to change their lives for the better.


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How to Cite
KHAVKINA, O. M. (2019). SPECIFICITY OF TRANSLATION OF ENGLISH-LANGUAGE TEXTS ON MENTAL HEALTH. New Philology, (78), 79-84. Retrieved from http://novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/39