• S. O. Kaleniuk
  • K. R. Voronyuk
Keywords: onomasticon, proprial vocabulary, onym, onomastics, anthropomodel, anthroponym


Onomastic vocabulary plays a leading role in the artistic work and outlines the spatial and temporal boundaries. The question of proper names arose in antiquity, today the attention of modern scholars is drawn to the question of Ukrainian literary onomastics. Onomastic doctrine allows us to track general trends in language development. The study of proper names in fiction is one of the most important issues of onomastics. Proprial vocabulary plays a certain stylistic role. It is an integral part of the form of the artistic work and a component of the writer's style. The article considers the peculiarities of the use of proprial vocabulary in Ulas Samchuk's novels “Maria”, “Derman”, “Volyn”. The circle of researchers who study the problem of onomastic units and the study of onyms as part of a work of art is outlined. The study clarifies the stylistic means and aesthetic functions of proper names in the novels of Ulas Samchuk. Anthroponyms that differ in structure, etymology and stylistic function are singled out. It is established that the leading place in the author's works is occupied by his meticulously chosen proper names. Onomastic space consists mainly of one-membered, less often two-membered models of anthroponyms with a focus on the village. It is revealed that the external and internal properties of the characters are conveyed by the author with evaluative-characteristic anthroponyms. The surnames with transparent etymology were found. In the onomasticon of the text the author embodies mainly nominative and characteristic functions. Nicknames, including female ones, formed from male surnames by adding the suffix -iha, perform a bright evaluative function in novels. The study clarifies the names and surnames without specific addressing due to the use of the plural and surnames of famous historical figures. The truncated forms of names are highlighted. Semantically filled and stylistically colored names are found in the works. It is outlined that proprial names are characterized by a variety of connotations and associative connections. The onomastic space of the work is an integral part of the artistic work and objectifies a significant amount of linguistic and extralinguistic information.


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How to Cite
Kaleniuk, S. O., & Voronyuk, K. R. (2020). THE PLACE OF PROPRIAL VOCABULARY IN THE ARTISTIC DISCOURSE OF ULAS SAMCHUK. New Philology, 1(80), 214-220.