The article under consideration is the comprehensive research of the category of futurality, based on the psycholinguistic, culturological and communicative context of its representation. The given investigation has focused on the culturological and psychological peculiarities of time perception evolution in human consciousness, as well as the process of the future categorization in human consciousness. It has visualized the linguistic representation of the tense model in the French, Ukrainian and Russian languages. The language and speech significance of the category of futurality has been investigated and various types of semantics of futurality in belles-lettres style have been outlined. The given investigation treats the futural situation as a semantic-syntactical structure, which expresses the generalized sense of the probable action / event in the future and is characterized by explicitly stated features. The structural psycholinguistic approach has been used to prove that the utterances with different surface structures share the same remote structure with future meaning. It should be mentioned that remote syntactical structure does not change its own speech meaning of the category of futurality, but only its stylistic nuance in speech. Through the use of the method of transformational grammar and method of semantic generalization it has been concluded that the grammar transposition of the tenses of the category of futurality is to take place due to connotative shades introduction to the context. The phenomenon of tenses transposition, which in their turn express the future meaning, is indicative of the conditioned responses shift and as a result, the integration of the linguistic and speech forms of the given category. The pragmatic expressiveness of the semantics of futurality is based on the acknowledgement of the connection between certain semantic-structural components and psychological peculiarities of interpretation of something someone saw or heard. It has been concluded that in the contemporary French belles-lettres style the following three most used forms of the semantics of futurality are found: historical / nontemporal future, general future and intentional future. The category of futurality in the belles-lettres style is most fully expressed by the verbs of future tense and their connotative shades.
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