The article is devoted to the linguistic peculiarities of song lyrics of musical compositions “pop-rap” by French performers and means of its reproduction into Ukrainian. Song is one of the most dynamic genres of mass culture, it reflects the spiritual component and folk character, clearly reveals the language processes. Lexical features of the musical genre “pop-rap”, which often cause difficulties for translation, are slang expressions, colloquialisms and familiarisms. At the level of syntax, musical compositions are characterized by a complex sentence structure, the use of adverbial and infinitive constructions, abbreviations, omission of single letters, the typical division of words into syllables and puns based on the play with them. The reproduction of all components of the song text is an extremely difficult challenge for the translator, given that the structure of the song lyrics appears as a chain of words, a certain linear connection not only of semantic but also pragmatic plans. The combination of fast-paced speech and easy musical accompaniment, their verbal and non-verbal arrangement causes considerable difficulties for the translation of pop-rap songs. So the main task is to correctly determine the hierarchical significance of the components of the musical composition, the top of which is its rhythmic structure. Preservation of rhythmic melodies and rhyming of French musical composition “pop-rap”, recitative, which are decisive for this musical genre, as well as semantic and stylistic load of the song, realization of illocutionary purpose in Ukrainian translation become possible through the use of translation transformations, namely: lexical and grammatical substitutions, addition, omission, simplification of grammatical forms, euphimization and compensation. The methods of research are determined by the set goal and are focused on establishing the most adequate ways of the transfer of French pop-rap songs in Ukrainian. The complex nature of the study led to a combination of methods such as generalization, comparative method, component analysis, analysis and synthesis.
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