• Н. M. Kuzenko
Keywords: image abstractness, metaphor-concept, stylistic effect, transmission of time distance


The article is devoted to the study of semantic and stylistic features of Baroque poetry in the translation aspect. The role of baroque literature in the formation of aesthetic and cultural values of the nation is substantiated in the investigation. Adequate transmission of figurative, explicit / implicit information of the work of art in the language of translation, provides a deep understanding of its specifics and target audience. The study of issues of reproduction of stylistic means in works of fiction, due to the need to reproduce the stylistic effect of the original in translation. Baroque poetry significantly expanded the subject of lyrical poetry, complicated and diversified the poetic form. The pathos of Baroque has become a passion for reflection, a literary work often turns into a tense philosophical reflection on the essence of man and the world, and the center of the work is the controversy about the most important issues of human existence. Baroque tends to panoramic descriptions, monumentality of images, which are combined with attention to the smallest details, both domestic and psychological in nature (in prose and poetry genres). The work of the poets of the metaphysical school, headed by John Donne, is characterized by increased attention to philosophical issues, problems of worldview, abstract images and reasoning, the synthesis of emotional and intellectual principles. An important part of Donne’s poetic technique were metaphors-concepts that amaze readers with the unexpectedness of associations and helped the poet express a movement of thought that overcame various paradoxes and oppositions, while demonstrating the poet’s “mathematical” thinking, his relentless logic and calm accuracy. His poetry is characterized not only by metaphor, but also by a combination of passionate sensuality with tragic motives, original parallelism. The translation of such poetry requires from а translator professional experience, constant updating of knowledge and observations both in the native language and in the language of the original literary work in historical development. The problem of conveying the historical color of the work, its accuracy and fidelity, the relationship between the author’s context and the translator’s context, preserving the national color, respecting the individual originality of the original, the transfer of time distance and literary features is an integral part of the translator’s creativity.


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How to Cite
KuzenkoН. M. (2020). BAROQUE POETRY: TRANSLATION ASPECT. New Philology, 1(80), 306-311.