• A. S. Kuznietsova
  • A. Ye. Kovalenko
Keywords: translator, author, mistakes, Harry Potter, transformations


The article is devoted to the stylistic features of the translation of English fiction on the material of the world-famous novel by J.K. Rowling “Harry Potter”. The article considers translation transformations during the translation of English fiction. Ways to solve translation problems, as well as explanations to them are provided. One of the most effective means of solving translation problems is to provide relevant knowledge in the field of translation studies and use them in practice, which allows you to better navigate the features of translation of fiction, develop thinking, translation skills and abilities. The complexity of literary translation also lies in the fact that it involves at least three people – writer – translator – reader, the role of each is special. The process of translating fiction is a real work; on the way the translator is faced with a significant number of translation problems that require his most virtuoso skills to solve them. A comparative analysis of the original and the text of the translation was conducted in order to identify the translation stylistic features. The relevance of studying this topic is obvious, but still some aspects have not yet been studied. Of all the stylistic features, the greatest influence on the translation we can see in giving a specific emphasis to some characters. Stylistic features are undeniable in the translation (from the transfer of special emphasis to the translation of spells). Therefore, this question is especially relevant for those who study a foreign language, translate fiction or edit texts. It is always interesting and thanks to countless materials for review and research, will constantly generate new topics for debate and discussion. The purpose of the article is to determine the stylistic features, differences in the text of the original and in the Ukrainian translation of the novel by J.K. Rowling “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”. The main method is the method of analysis of stylistic features, which allowed on the basis of the analysis of specific stylistic means to draw the necessary conclusions.


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How to Cite
Kuznietsova, A. S., & Kovalenko, A. Y. (2020). STYLISTIC FEATURES OF TRANSLATION OF ENGLISH FICTION. New Philology, 1(80), 312-318.