The article analyzes the works of modern Ukrainian poet Oleg Volodymyrovich Popov. The most commonly used denominational lexemes are identified, their stylistic role and new lexical-semantic manifestations of these linguistic units are determined. It is noted that in linguistics there is still no single definition of linguistic terms that reflect processes in the religious sphere. Such vocabulary is called differently: theological vocabulary, Christian vocabulary, religious terminology, sacral vocabulary, confessional vocabulary. In this study, the vocabulary of the analyzed variety qualifies as a denominational vocabulary (the terms religious and sacred vocabulary are used synonymously). Explaining the peculiarities of using the confessional vocabulary in the poet’s work will allow him to reach the depth of his outlook, which will contribute to a better understanding of the artist. It also updates the selection of the thematic direction of the proposed article. It is revealed that in the artist’s poetic works a huge semantic array consists of proper names of biblical and religious subjects. Such stylistic techniques sacralize the text, fill it with spiritual content. The most used in confessional semantics are abstract tokens of the “soul” and “heart”. In the poetic sphere of Oleg Popov, they are rethought specifically. It is emphasized that the ideological and conceptual basis of religious speech determines the specificity of all linguistic and expressive means, thereby regulating their functional and semantic status. Using of a large number of religious vocabulary in Oleg Popov’s poetry, its use in various contexts indicates that it is a poet with deep Christian symbolism, original artistic images, unconventional artistic approaches, even to traditional Ukrainian literature and culture of concepts. At the same time, the artist is rooted in the traditions and customs of the nation, in Christian religion and teaching. The use of sacred vocabulary in the poetic discourse of the author gives the poems a particularly insightful, pathetic and solemn character.
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