The article presents a range of tactics used when translating various genres of the texts belonging to academic discourse within these language pairs: “Ukrainian → English”, “Ukrainian → Chinese”. The phenomena “academic discourse”, “translation tactics”, “translation strategy”, “translation operation” are considered. Linguistic and extralinguistic markers of the modern Ukrainian academic discourse are analysed. Some linguistic features of the Ukrainian academic discourse are illustrated at the phonetic-phonological, lexical, grammatical and compositional-stylistic levels. The extralinguistic markers of academic discourse have been identified in the context of the theoretical and practical basis of educational relations of the subjects performing academic activities, cooperation and joint economic activities within the university and outside it in accordance with normative statutory documents which regulate the functioning of educational institutions. We have characterised the phonetic actualization of the discourse under study (emotional neutrality of utterances, distinct pronunciation of sounds); lexical component (commonly used and profession-marked vocabulary (terminology)); syntactic component at the levels of phrases, simple and complex sentences (compound and complex sentences containing conditional clauses, adverbial clauses of time, attributive clauses, object clauses); compositional and stylistic component (structural and compositional form / frame of the document and stylistics). The tacticaloperational translation construct based on the strategy of communicativeequivalent translation has been determined. Some examples illustrating the translation of Ukrainian sentences into English and Chinese are given using the tactics as follows: tactics of cognitive information transfer, tactics of linguistic and cultural adaptation of the text, tactics of reproducing stylistic characteristics of the text involving stylistic adaptation of the text, tactics of correct information representation, tactics of reproducing formal and structural characteristics of the text. Typological (strategy and tactics) and specific translation means (operations) which are used when reproducing Ukrainian academic texts in English and Chinese have been identified.
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