Terminology is an essential part of any scientific language and promotes the significance of linguistics in the social industrial production of specific technical items. The increase of automatization makes the terminological issues very important and widely discussed. The article is dedicated to the analysis of structural and semantic peculiarities of transformer-building affixes and their translation into Ukrainian. Nowadays there is no generally accepted definition of the notion "term". However, having studied the definitions proposed by different linguists, we could say that a term is a word or a word combination of a certain language, the content of which is a technical, scientific or any other specific concept. Examining the peculiarities of the elements we have found out that the most typical method of their formation is affixation. The semantic structure can also draw our attention because of a great number of specific technical and scientific spheres where transformer-building terminology is used. It has its specific peculiarities. As a result of our examination we have found out that the semantic structure of transformer-building terms can be divideed into five semantic groups: 1) terms denoting processes 2) terms denoting states 3) term denoting names of items 4) terms denoting different materials used in the production of transformers 5) term denoting working systems. As to the ways of translation of English transformer-building terms into Ukrainian we have defined that calking and lexical equivalents are the most relevant. Information about characteristic features of the studied terminology and skills of its translation will undoubtedly help the translators who work in the specific sphere of transformerbuilding production. In conclusion we can say that translators are responsible for every word and every mistake can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is why this sphere of terminology is worthy of a very thorough examination.
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