Keywords: concept, crying, verbalization, representation, language picture of the world


The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the concept pleur crying in the French language picture of the world. In the work, the concept is considered as a linguistic-cognitive and ethno-cultural concept. In order to reconstruct the concept, its lexical and phraseological implementation is analyzed in the article. The study was conducted on the material of modern lexicography of the French language. The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the concept pleur, fixed in the French language picture of the world, in such manifestations as different kinds of crying, ways of crying as well as physiological reactions of a crying person, reasons for crying. The pleur concept is verbalized in the French language picture of the world through a cognitive image, reflecting the semantic connections of its name in free and related phrases. Phraseological representation of crying reflects its connection with various somatisms – les yeux /l’oeil (eyes/eye), le visage (face), le corps (body), le sang (blood), le nez (nose), among which the main place are les yeux (eyes), which is the source of tears. Tears, sobbing, the French metaphorically depict, attributing them to the elements, flora, fauna, drinks, artifacts. The reconstruction of the crying concept based on French linguistic dictionaries made it possible to distinguish such ideas about sniveller as: une Madeleine (Madeleine) is the benchmark of bitter crying among people in French phraseology; une vache, un veau (cow, calf) symbolizes loud cry; une fontaine (fountain) is a model of heavy crying. The intensification of this reaction is manifested in the names of the cry, but much more fully the intensification of the cry is realized in the verb phrases. The concept pleur has a significant estimated potential.

The French linguistic picture of the world records the various effects of crying on his subject, which is reflected mainly in verbal phrases. In proverbs about crying, we find a philosophical understanding of the relation between crying and laughter in a person's life.


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How to Cite
PAVLIUK, O. O. (2019). LEXICO-PHRASEOLOGICAL REPRESENTATION OF THE PLEUR (CRYING) CONCEPT IN THE FRENCH LANGUAGE PICTURE OF THE WORLD. New Philology, (77), 40-44. Retrieved from http://novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/48