The article is devoted to the analysis of native language resources to supplement the musical terminology of the Ukrainian language, which contribute to the preservation of the authenticity of the national scientific language. Specific means of creating musical terms are the use of models available in the Ukrainian language: secondary nomination, morphological, morphologicalsyntactic and analytical methods. The secondary nomination is based on one of the lexical and semantic means – metaphor or metonymy, as a result of which there is a narrowing and expansion of semantics, a change in the scope of the concept, transfer of names by various associations. One of the most significant sources of enrichment of Ukrainian musical terminology is the morphological way of creation: the most widely represented suffixal creation, a small number of terms are formed by prefix, prefix-suffixal, non-suffixed, juxtaposition, abbreviation, – because in the morphological structure of terms formed by affixation, word- and basic composition, laid the foundations of structural systematization of terms. Morphological and syntactic method of creation was widely used in church and musical terminology of the XV–XVII centuries, and in modern musical terminology unproductive. Analytical derivation is one of the most productive ways to replenish the musical terminology. Compound terms convey belonging to a classification series based on a hyper-hyponymic comparison of concepts, which contributes to the widespread use of this method of creation in musical terminology. A negative phenomenon in modern Ukrainian musical terminology is a significant decline in the activity of derivation processes, which leads to an imbalance between term formation and the entry of borrowings. We consider the migration of dialect vocabulary to the periphery of the musical terminology to be a positive process, which contributes to the self-affirmation of Ukrainian culture and the preservation of its national color.
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