The article is dedicated to the problem of verbalization of the concept “smell” on the lexical, syntactical and phraseological levels on the material of Patrick Süskind’s novel “Perfume. The story of one killer.” It is noted that these factors form the linguistic and conceptual picture of the world. The methodological basis of the study is the study of problems from the point of position of modern cognitive paradigm. Different approaches to the interpretation of the notions “concept” and “artistic concept”, which are the main units of the language picture of the writer’s world, are analyzed. Text (artistic) concepts differ from language concepts and concepts of culture in the content and method of presentation at the verbal level, as well as the volume of objectification, which is mostly fixed. The language of the novel is closely related to the thinking and speech activities of the individual (in our case, the protagonist of the novel), his sensual-sniffing attitude to the environment in the process of his knowledge. The olfactory concept “smell” is the main idea-forming element of the individual-author’s conceptual picture of Patrick Süskind, and is considered to be an unprecedented example of artistic text, in which a significant place is given to olfactory images presented by a wide variety of verbal means at different levels of speech. The novel reflects the specifics of the author’s world-perception, those levels of values and meanings that are axiologically significant and interesting for the addressee are updated. The concept “smell” is key among perceptive concepts, since it is associated with the sense of smell perception of reality, which to some extent complicates its reproduction and requires detailed analysis at the verbal level. In scientific research a comprehensive analysis of the lexical, syntactic and phraseological objectification of the concept “smell” in the specified artistic text, in particular its nominative and denotative representations, focuses on the study of the syntactic stylistics of the concept “smell”. The status of the concept “smell” in Patrick Süskind’s individual-author’s concept-sphere is determined, the most common types of metaphors that are representative of this concept are analyzed, and the attention is focused on its representation on the phraseological level.
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