Keywords: undocumented immigrants, racist discourse, gender roles, clash of cultures, intercultural communication, integration, social inclusion, “pretend-to-be” political correctness, verbal representation


The proposed research paper addresses the problem of presidential rhetoric regarding immigrant communities in the U.S. and the issues of social inclusion of first-generation undocumented immigrants in the United States. The emphasis is on verbal representation of the processes of immigrant labeling and exclusion by the mainstream. The paper tackles the denounced DACA and DREAM Act programs (multi-phase procedure leading to permanent residency in the U.S.), because they are considered an abuse to executive power by the Republican administration. The relationship between language, social movements and culture is explored. The article brings out the issue of Latinx immigration and aims at identifying the language and discursive implications for social exclusion through the study of verbalized racism. The research focuses on elaborating a theoretical background for the use of politically correct language; bringing out the overt exclusion of undocumented immigrants in the context of changing political regimes; exploring the verbalized protest of pro-immigrant communities in the U.S.

It is argued that current anti-immigrant rhetoric in the United States is becoming part of “English-only” policy; the discriminatory discourse directed at legal and undocumented immigrants is accompanied by the intensification of the “English-only” policy, while the U.S. does not have an official language. The verbal attacks are generally directed against Spanish-speakers, not against speakers of other languages.

Prejudices that were not expressed publicly earlier, not so long ago are “unleashed” through the President’s rhetoric, although D. Trump does not admit it to be racism. An overtly racist speech with the final remark of being “the least racist” forms a new phenomenon of “reconsidered pretend-to-be-political correctness”.

Immigrant communities and their proponents verbalize their acknowledgement of racism in current political and presidential discourse. It is stated that Latino cultural identity has been denigrated for years and the current presidential rhetoric is supportive of it. There is an idea that “English Only” movement “is driven mostly by hostility towards immigrants and their languages and cultures.

While the verbal representation of discriminatory social attitudes regarding undocumented immigrants is reflected in overt ethnic slurs, immigrant communities and immigration advocates are likely to use revolutionary, supportive and optimistic language.


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How to Cite
YUNATSKA, A. B., & KHAMITOVA, G. A. (2019). A COMTEMPORARY RACIST DISCOURSE AS A FORM OF “PRETEND-TO-BE” POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. New Philology, (77), 75-79. Retrieved from http://novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/54