Keywords: iterative aspect of the lexical aspect, lexical means of expressing plurality, translation transformations


The subject of this article is the description of the features of the implementation of multiple manifestations of an action in the Ukrainian and German languages. The authors analyse previous works on this subject. In the proposed article the phenomenon of repeatability of action in two applied languages of diverse structural organisation, namely, German and Ukrainian, is examined. In this context, scientists distinguish extraverbal and intraverbal discreteness. The feature of these types of repeatability is their ability to indicate multiple manifestations of an action. Intraverbal repeatability is implemented by means of semantics of the verb, that is, the verb itself indicates that the action occurs with a certain frequency more than once. For extraverbal discreteness, additional participants, that are the exponents of multiple manifestations of action, are required in syntactic formation. These are mainly adverbial temporal syntaxemes. In this article the authors make an attempt to analyse the iterative aspect of repeatability of an action, to discover the main types of this phenomenon in both languages. The study showed that the iterative aspect is implemented in both German and Ukrainian languages as a discontinuative, a frequentative and an usitative. One of the main tasks of the proposed article is to ascertain common and distinctive features of this phenomenon in the German and Ukrainian languages. Considerable attention is also paid to the translation aspect. The main types of transformations in the translation of complex syntactic constructions with the semantics of iteration are defined. Despite the diverse structural organisation of the German and Ukrainian languages, the most common methods of translation are the following grammatical substitutions, namely: part-of-speech substitutions, addition, omission, syntactic substitutions.


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How to Cite
Taranukha, T. V., & Verezubenko, M. M. (2021). FEATURES OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTIPLE MANIFESTATIONS OF AN ACTION IN THE GERMAN AND UKRAINIAN LANGUAGES AND THE PROBLEM OF TRANSLATING THIS MEANING. New Philology, (82), 272-278. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2021-82-44