The article focuses on the generalization of the main characteristics of the lexical-semantic space of the British prose military fiction texts (MFTs) of the beginning of the 21st century. Considerable attention is paid to the main ways of study of the lexical-semantic space of a literary text on the basis of pragmatic-stylistic approach. As a result, the dominant features of the lexicalsemantic space of the contemporary MFTs were outlined, the role of a semantic dominant in its compositional-architectonic structure was emphasized, the vectors of the functioning of the lexical microsystems in the texts with different degrees of the military theme explication were pointed out. Lexical-semantic space of the contemporary British MFTs is composed due to the close correlation of lexical-semantic, lexical-thematic and lexicalassociative groups. A peculiar feature of the British MFTs of the beginning of the 21st century is the fact that the war theme is observed not only in the foreground, but at the level of micro-inclusions as well. Lexical units in the texts with macro- and meso-inclusions of military themes are organized in such a way that they clearly depict the terrifying reality of the war environment, while the texts with micro-inclusions of military themes demonstrate the power of war on the inner state and consciousness of a person even long after its ending. Thus, analysis of the lexical-semantic space in the 3 directions of its expansion enabled highlighting such main features of its functioning: a leitmotif of the author’s intention – peculiarities of military actions and their influence on a person and society (semantic level); the main theme – a person in a war or postwar time (thematic level); providing the aesthetic satisfaction from the literary text by means of expressive-stylistic colorings and literary interpretations of the most signifying units (associative level). The author’s choice of military themes is determined by the intention to represent fatality of war with the help of bright examples of the past, to appeal to the mankind to prevent similar disasters in the future.
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