Keywords: idiomatic expressions, ways of translation, descriptive translation, word for word translation, phraseological analogue, phraseological equivalent


The article is devoted to the study of ways of translation of phraseological units of English economic idiomatic expressions into Ukrainian. The article presents the main difficulties of translation of idiomatic expressions from English into Ukrainian and explains their basic reasons. The factors that determine the correctness and accuracy of the translation of phraseological units have been outlined. Special attention has been paid to the ways of translation of both phraseological units in literary language and economic idiomatic expressions. It has been established that the translation of economic phraseological units is carried out by means of descriptive method, phraseological analogue, phraseological equivalent, word for word translation, transliteration with an explanation and the advantages and disadvantages of each method of translation have been revealed. As it has been determined the most effective and productive way of translation of phraseological units of economic sphere is descriptive translation. The use of descriptive translation makes it possible to convey the meaning of terminological idiomatic expressions accurately and substantively. The major drawbacks of this way of translation are its complexity and its disability to render imagery peculiarities of translated phraseological unit. The translation by means of phraseological analogue and word for word translation belong to less relevant ways of translation of terminological idiomatic expressions. The peculiarity of the word for word translation is an additional explanation. It has been determined that translation with the help of phraseological equivalent and transliteration with additional explanation for the translation of the phraseological units of economics are not so productive.


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How to Cite
Petryna, O. S., & Tsiutsiura, D. R. (2021). TRANSLATION PECULIARITIES OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS OF ECONOMIC FIELD. New Philology, (84), 193-199.