The article defines the role of the support system for conducting scientific research in the sphere of Economics and Public Administration. The study substantiates the fact that scientific research determines the features of socio-economic characteristics of the country and prospects for its development, living standards. Issues related to the intensification of scientific research in Economics and Public Administration are especially relevant because these spheres of research, alongside the technical direction, determine the key foundations of society. We believe that one of the most important prerequisites for the activation and proper organization of scientific research is the system of their support. The support system as a set of components that determine the possibilities of scientific work is a complex phenomenon that includes the unity of the relevant elements. The structure of the support system is defined as the following: staff support, methodological support, technical support, and informational support. Informational support as well as staff support are two most important elements of the scientific process. We believe that one of the key elements of informational support of scientific research is the category support as an appropriate terminology system used in a particular area of research. The category support has a significant impact on the peculiarities of the organization of scientific research, its rationalization, and the process of integration of domestic scientific achievements into the world information space. According to the study of examples from Economics and Public Administration, problems in agreeing and correlating of the terminology of domestic and foreign science were detected. The differences between the connotation of terms in both Economics and Public Administration spheres affect the quality and scope of research results of Ukrainian scientists. Overcoming this problem is possible, in our opinion, through the formation of electronic multilingual academic dictionaries in the appropriate spheres, which will help to harmonize the categorical apparatus of research and provide greater opportunities for integration of domestic scientists into the world scientific space. The authors define the role of the support system for conducting research in the field of Economics and Public Administration. It was found that the categorical support has a significant impact on the peculiarities of the organization of scientific research, their rationalization and the process of integration of domestic scientific achievements into the world information space. The role of electronic multilingual academic dictionaries in the process of formation of categorical support of scientific researches is identified.
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