The article analyzes the oykonomy of the modern Odesa region. Many linguists have addressed the problems of studying toponyms, but even today there are issues that need detailed consideration. Toponyms containing information much broader than linguistic, allow to fill gaps in ethnogenetic research. During the analysis of semantic features of toponyms it is possible to establish the tokens that became the push to creating geographical names. The choice in the nomination of a feature as the base for this reality is determined by the interests of the population, which in turn depend on various socio-economic, psychological and other factors. Oykonyms, the proper names of settlements, are historical and cultural heritage, as they cover historical events, life and culture of people, their customs and traditions. Our focus is on oykonyms, as settlements being material objects are most clearly separated from the surrounding landscape. The oykonyms of the Odesa region are singled out and systematized. The material for the study was the names of 1174 settlements, which includes 19 cities, 33 towns, 23 settlements and 1,099 villages united in 7 districts. The structural features of proper names of settlements of Odesa region are investigated. By structure, oykonyms were divided into simple, complex and compound. The largest group of oykonimikon in the Odesa region consists of simple settlement names formed morphologically. Regarding the word-forming and the structural design of oykonyms, taking into account the tendency to univerbate the names of settlements during their renaming, it is proved that simple oykonyms of morphological derivation are the most numerous group and form the basis of the oykonym system of Odesa region, having the most complex and compound names formed from them. It has been established that by semantic features most of the oykonyms of Odesa region are derived from anthroponyms, names of water bodies and other types of toponyms. The study of oykonymy is an important aspect in studying the history of one’s own country, they have carved the features of our people, their preferences and specifics.
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