Keywords: English loan words, borrowing, media discourse, pragmatic aspect of use, TV show, language innovation.


The article aims to study English loan words in modern Ukrainian-language media discourse in functional and pragmatic aspects, to analyze their peculiarities, the problems of their sectoral grouping and adaptation in terms of popularization of English borrowings in the Ukrainian media space. The relevance of the study is due to the rapid response of the modern Ukrainian language to changes in society and the reflection of innovation through the prism of language. The specifics of entertainment television shows is conditioned by the use of English loan words to give more expression to speech, giving it a modern innovative character and involvement of the attention of a wider audience to the events covered. This applies to English loan words, omission of which can lead to loss of expression and vitality. The aim of the research is to determine the specifics of the concept of English borrowing (English loan words), to clarify the peculiarities of the functioning of English loan words in media discourse and the pragmatic aspect of their use. The objectives to be achieved were as follows: 1) to explore the concept of English loan word as a borrowing from the English language in modern Ukrainian-language media discourse; 2) consider the peculiarities of the formation and use of English loan words; 3) to analyze English loan words by type of origin and the degree of their assimilation in the language of the recipient on the material of the entertainment television show «Хто зверху?»; 4) to identify thematic groups of English loan words; 5) to determine the pragmatic aspect of the use of English loan words in the modern Ukrainian language. The basic definitions and classifications of English loan words are studied. The specifics of the formation and functioning of borrowed English tokens in the modern Ukrainian-language media space are discovered. A total number of 276 English loan words from TV shows were analyzed for typology according to the origin and degree of assimilation of English loan words in the Ukrainian language. Own classification of English loan words by thematic groups was implemented and quantitative calculations on usage were held. English loan words significantly influence the formation of the modern Ukrainian language and aim to enrich its lexical structure, polysemy and modernization. The place and significance of English loan words in the replenishment of the lexical structure of the Ukrainian language are studied, the pragmatic aspects of their use as a language innovation among the youth generation are revealed.


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How to Cite
Ponomarenko, O. O., & Verba, D. O. (2022). ENGLISH LOAN WORDS AS A LANGUAGE INNOVATION IN MODERN UKRAINIAN-LANGUAGE MEDIA DISCOURSE (BASED ON THE ENTERTAINMENT TV SHOW «ХТО ЗВЕРХУ?»). New Philology, (85), 246-252. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2022-85-34