The article is devoted to the analysis of the special terminology of the English language for special purposes, the ways of its formation and translation into Ukrainian.
It is widely recognized in modern linguistics that there is a close connection between Languages for special Purposes and a Common language. There is some interaction and interrelation between them. Ordinary words of a Common language (everyday words) convey more than their literal meanings. They evoke further images, emotions and reactions on the part of the hearer. The use of words which are set apart from our everyday life enables the scientist to avoid evoking irrelevant and distorting associations. The specialized words of different sciences, if used in their proper contexts, are largely free from distorting associations. It is interesting to note that when a scientific term, originally well-defined, becomes a word of ordinary speech it usually suffers a widening of meaning and acquires a number of associations .The practical part of the given article is fully based on the analysis of the special vocabulary of Language of Special Purposes of Economics and Finance. The economic and financial terms were singled out of more than twenty anglo-american newspapers and magazines and classified according to the spheres of their application. The given scientific article represents a detailed morphological study of more than 200 specialized terms. The terms were also classified in accordance with the ways of the word-formation. Thus we singled out 5 main groups of terms built with the help of affixation, abbreviation, semantic derivation, blending and conversion. The analysis of the terms of Economics and Finance has shown the most productive ways of their formation, which are affixation, compounding and abbreviation. This conclusion was convincingly proved by means of many illustrative examples carefully selected from mass media sources.
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