This paper is focused on fundamental theoretical terminology concepts such as “term”, “terminology system”. The prerequisites for terminology investigation in terms of system and functional analysis, as well as cognitive aspects, have been grounded. In cognitive approach, “the term” is considered to be a result of some specific cognitive human activity. It was defined that general frame structure of “Construction Machinery” terminology system is determined by its peculiar concept-based field. Each frame or subframe has its complex multilevel structure, which is reflected in machine building categories and concepts. It is necessary to note that frames are open-ended. As a result, terms can appear and disappear in a term system. However, it doesn’t lead to any changes in paradigmatic relations of terminology system. Six basic frame groups in modern “Construction Machinery” terminology are not singled out automatically, but according to internal system, characteristics are based on presentive and logical relations of concepts and categories in this field. It was also found that frames do not just replace one another or appear from scratch. Their emergence occurs on the basis of already existing topical unities, which is a consequence of the dialectical process of developing extralinguistic reality. The specialization and differentiation of frames included in the terminology system occur, because the production industry specializes itself. Therefore, the number and composition of frames within the terminology system cannot be constant. It was essential to point out the nonclosure and openness of the borders of frames that manifest themselves in the free withdrawal or influx of terminological units, which, however, does not lead to changes in the paradigmatic organization of the terminology system. It is concluded that conceptual model can be used as a basis for further development and ranking of machine building terminology.
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