The article is dedicated to the study of the peculiarities of producing horror effect in the chronotope of the novel It by Stephen King in the original and translation. The presented research is determined by the general scientific interest toward defining genre features of horror literature from the perspective of translation studies. The article specifies the definition of the horror literature genre and its forms, analyzes different approaches to the description of horror as a genre within the framework of literary studies and linguistics, as well as facilitates the definition of such area of literary studies as "horroristics". The authors substantiate the opinion that the genre features of horror literature are related to the originality of the elements that form the genre. There are horror genre components such as the composition of the work, landscape-portrait description, characteristics of the characters. In order to identify the features of the generation of horror in the novel, the text of the original and the translation is compared by assessing the adequacy of the reproduction of chronotopе markers. Analysis of horror chronotope markers in the original and translation of the novel "It" by S. King suggests that the main function of horror , i.e. to create a special atmosphere of terror, to increase narrative tension, and emotional condition of the characters is achieved through specific verbal means, notably, the lexemes with negative emotional-expressive connotations.
Analysis of the chronotope markers in the original and translation allowed the authors to conclude that the main function of horror literature is realized through unique vocabulary, creating narrative tension in the text. Accomplished approach in the study to the translation of literary text from the point of the genre makes it possible to assess its adequacy despite the success/failure of the reproduction of genre features of the original in translation. The identified inaccuracies produce negative effect upon the adequacy of the translation. These include literal translation (violation of the linguistic norms of the target language), the neutralization of the emotional and expressive connotation of a word. At the same time, some of the observed inaccuracies in translation do not destroy the genre focus of the original, but rather contribute to its implementation, which makes the translation adequate to recreate the overall atmosphere of horror. The prospects of further study are connected with the analysis of the features of recreating the effect of horror in other components of the literary work, and studying productive translation techniques.
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