The relevance of the use of “the false friends of the interpreter” on the English context is highlighted in the article. First, more attention has been paid to the development of communication skills at English classes, which can be useful for students of technical universities regarding their future professional activities. Secondly, teaching students to translate correctly from English into Ukrainian and from Ukrainian into English is of great importance nowadays because of a rapid expansion of international relations and an intensive exchange of information between European and Asian countries. Third, translation of a scientific text from English into Ukrainian has its specificity. Any word or term can be translated differently in various fields of science and technology. “The false friends of the interpreter” play a significant role in translation. Therefore, the interpreter should be extremely careful, take a responsible attitude to the translation and beware of mistakes in case of a clear inconsistency of the statement within the situation of communication. Practically all English words are polysemantic and, in this case, context plays an important role here. It is in such critical situations when dictionaries and reference books which can help to dwell in the context and to understand the contents of the text. The article defines a negative impact of the false friends of the interpreter on the English context (based on the material of architectural vocabulary). The essence of the concept “the false friends of the interpreter” is defined; the place of “the false friends of the interpreter” in English is considered and the features of using “the false friends of the interpreter” in the English context are determined. It was proved that “the false friends of the interpreter” is a problem not only for beginners and inexperienced interpreters, but also for those who speak a foreign language confidently. In its turn, the interpreter's responsibility and careful work with the context will help to avoid serious mistakes and inconvenient situations.
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