Keywords: homonymy, interlingual homonymy, homonyms, interlingual homonyms, classification, classification principles, classification criteria.


Arranging the studied material is a responsible and important stage of scientific work, which helps the researcher to update and deepen knowledge about a certain phenomenon or object. The article is devoted to the criteria for the classification of interlingual homonyms, that is, words belonging to different language systems and endowed with a symmetrical form and an asymmetrical meaning. Interlingual homonyms are known to often pose difficulties in communication and translation. The comprehensive investigation of such words began in 1928, when the work of M. Koessler and J. Derocquigny “False friends, or pitfalls of English vocabulary. Tips for translators” was published. Since then, a lot of scientific studies have appeared and many dictionaries have been compiled based on the material of two or more languages. However, research in this linguistic area does not lose its relevance, because not all aspects of interlingual homonymy have been compared, and therefore its units (pairs or groups of interlingual homonyms) will require new classification schemes every time, which will undoubtedly be founded on already known principles. Actually, they are considered in our paper. Having analyzed the classifications of interlingual homonyms proposed in modern linguistic literature, we found out the most essential features of such vocabulary, defined the criteria that are the basis of its classification schemes, and showed that among these criteria, there are self-sufficient (semantic, formal, etymological, derivational, part-of-speech) and additional (stylistical and grammatical). Thus, according to the semantic principle, interlingual homonyms can be divided into full (relations of semantic exclusion) and partial (relations of semantic inclusion or semantic intersection); according to the formal principle – into phoneticgraphic (proper homonyms), phonetic (homophones), graphic (homographs) and morphological (homomorphs); according to etymological principle – on homogeneous and heterogeneous; according to the derivational principle – on homonyms of the first degree and homonyms of the second degree; according to the part-of-speech principle – on substantival, adjectival, adverbal, verbal, etc. Any of these schemes can become both basic and intermediate for a more extensive classification.


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