This article introduces the outcomes of the conceptual analysis of motivational speeches delivered by prominent public figures, obtained by means of the UAM Corpus Tool – a cutting-edge software renowned for conducting both automated and manual text annotations. Furthermore, the study is enhanced by a conceptual metaphor analysis, revealing that ontological and structural components are the predominant and efficacious elements in constructing a frame-slot model. In accordance with Minsky’s theoretical framework, the frame-slot model consists of the main concept, and frames as complex structures, resembling multi-layered networks. It is figured out that these intricate structures are formed by slots and subplots [17]. Accordingly, the concept of MOTIVATION comprises a combination of frames reflecting embodied speakers’ experiences such as A LIVING BEING, DIFFICULTIES, PURPOSE, MATERIAL OBJECT, STATE, COGNITION, MOVEMENT, INSPIRATION, LIFE, WORLD, EDUCATION, and LANGUAGE. These components collectively serve as a comprehensive reflection of the perceptual paradigms employed by the selected public speakers, whose speeches serve as the primary corpus for this research. Consequently, the corpus comprises 20 speeches delivered by eminent male and female public figures, featuring Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Madonna, Kamala Harris, Melinda Gates, Angelina Jolie Voight, Arianna Huffington, Condoleezza Rice, Sheryl Sandberg, Hillary Clinton, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, David Beckham, Mark Zuckerberg, Jay Shetty, and Steven Spielberg. This research underscores the significance of conceptual metaphors in understanding how motivational speeches shape our perception of the world and influence our actions. By dissecting the linguistic elements that construct these metaphors, the insights into the strategies employed by public figures to inspire and motivate their audiences are received and elaborated.
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