The title of this article gives the subject matter of our research. Linguistically experimented are nominative and communicative units (sayings and proverbs) of the English discourse. Their identification is treated in a complex analysis – discursive, distributive, contextual and explanatory. Applied methods are of a syncretic nature, they are determined by the onthology of referents. The empiric material has been extracted from the authentic dictionaries, collections of proverbs and electronic resources. The topicality of the research is verified by the current scientific view of the world. The content of the paper is backgrounded by relevant aims and intentions: to distinguish functional nature of proverbs and sayings, their pragmatico-semantic modi; to emphasize levels of intralingual and interlingual types of translation; to expand the theory of verbal and arithmetic measurement of units; to verify the validity of mentalese principle at work; to comment upon the vistas of further investigations. Innovative are ideas of distinction of the mentioned linguistic units - verbal and statistic manner of their description. Syncretic ideas are at work – lingual and arithmetic dimensions, word-centric and text-centric approaches to objects. Tables of the experiment visualize the complex word-centric and text-centric measurements on their vertical and linear vectors.
The theoretic and empiric material of experiment may be didactically applied in the interdisciplinary academic courses considering adherent problems.
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