Keywords: cognitive linguistics, concept, figurative component, epithet, metaphorical predicate, conceptual analysis


This academic article falls within the field of cognitive linguistics and examines the structural features of the concept MURDER. In examining the concept, we first uncover the complex interplay between structural and metaphorical elements embodied through conceptual metaphors. The analysis identified a number of metaphorical mappings associated with the concept of MURDER, including the metaphors of colour, darkness, investigation, planning and mystery. First of all, MURDER is a strongly emotional concept and is therefore often expressed in metaphorical language. Central to this research is the metaphorical language used to describe the process of murder and its depiction in fiction. Metaphors such as “perfect”, “unsolved” and “unpunished” have emotional and judgmental overtones that reflect the breadth of the narrative and the complexity of this concept. By analyzing examples from the novel “Thursday Murder Club”, the study demonstrates the widespread use of such concepts and exemplifies the negative connotations commonly associated with crime in the crime fiction genre. Moreover, the article discusses the metaphorical relationship between MURDER and COLOUR and highlights the frequent use of dark colours to convey the negative connotations associated with manslaughter. Dark, black and blue tones symbolize the bleak nature of the concept and contrast with light colours that emphasize the purity and memories of a particular place. Additionally, the conceptual framework extends to the exploration of MURDER as a PLAN and accentuates the meticulous planning and execution of this act in the narrative. The concept is seen as a series of actions and the analysis focuses attention on planning, killing and consequences, providing insight into the nature of the crime and the mentality of the outlaw. By examining the metaphorical representation of MURDER, this article contributes to a better understanding of the concept MURDER and its profound impact on the reader. The exploration of metaphorical expressions, predicates and conventional metaphors reveals the multifaceted nature of the concept in literature and cognitive linguistics.


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How to Cite
Shulzhenko, K. A., & Yesypenko, N. G. (2023). FIGURATIVE COMPONENT OF THE CONCEPT MURDER IN R. OSMAN’S NOVEL “THURSDAY MURDER CLUB”. New Philology, (92), 88-93.