Keywords: discourse, scientific technical discourse, informativeness, professional communication, scientific writing


The paper examines the linguistic features of scientific technical discourse based on the material of scientific articles and monographs on engineering. The need to study the structural and lexical features of this discourse is due to the constant movement of science, its development, progress and, accordingly, the appearance of new specific terms, phrases, word combinations and collocations, as well as forms and methods of communication in the scientific and technical spheres. The definition of the concept of “scientific technical discourse” is given within the framework of the general linguistic phenomenon “discourse”. It is noted that the scientific technical discourse as the statusoriented one is an institutionally defined type of communication and aims to the exchange of scientific and technical information. Its pragmatic orientation and informativeness affect the linguistic and structural characteristics of the scientific technical text. It is highlighted that scientific technical texts reflect the cognitive functions of communicators, due to which text and discourse are as close to each other as possible in the field of scientific and technical information. The following features of the scientific technical engineering discourse are distinguished and analyzed in the paper: informativeness, accuracy and logical sequence of presentation; abbreviations and truncated words; availability of drawings, tables, sketches, formulas, calculations; specific terminology; use of language clichés; neologisms; unification of syntactic groups; active use of modal verbs, passive voice and imperatives. Illustrative examples are provided, the source of which are scientific and technical articles, monographs, engineering manuals and instructions. The materials of the paper can be used in the study of linguistic-cognitive and linguistic-pragmatic aspects of the English-language scientific technical discourse.


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How to Cite
Anpilohova, Y. D. (2024). LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL DISCOURSE. New Philology, (93), 7-13.