Keywords: genre, idiolect, idiostyle, inherent feature, confessional poetry


This article highlights the essence of the concepts “idiostyle”, “idiolect” and “confessional poetry”. Besides, it explores the difference in the concepts of “idiostyle” and “idiolect”, the basis of the individual style, and different types of metaphors used in Sylvia Plath’s poetry. To achieve this goal, a number of tasks were carried out, and in particular, we studied metaphor as an inherent feature of Sylvia Plath’s idiostyle. The main views and approaches to defining the concepts of “idiostyle” and “idiolect” in the national scientific literature were revealed, too. Based on the analysis of the Ukrainian researchers’ works, especially S.Ya. Iermolenko and L.O. Stavytska, we have theoretically defined these concepts and their clear distinction. Hence, “idiostyle” can be defined as an individual style. It is seen as a unique linguistic expression that reflects the characteristics of the author’s style and linguistic expression. This work aims to study the characteristics of the author’s style and the linguistic and stylistic features of her idiostyle, focusing on metaphors. The paper also uses the following research methods: analysis, synthesis, the generalization of information from theoretical sources, and component analysis of the poetic text. It was found that metaphor is the dominant linguistic tool in Sylvia Plath’s poetry used to convey expressiveness and greater emotionality, especially through the usage of a variety of emotional and non-standard images. Sylvia Plath is known to be one of the leading figures of the confessional poetry movement. She spoke frankly about her fears and personal pain as if creating the impression of a sincere conversation with the reader. The study results show that using metaphor allows the author to expand the boundaries of speech, thus transforming traditional and taboo images into powerful symbols that help the reader “feel” her conditions, emotions, fears, and feelings even deeper. Sylvia Plath’s work is distinguished by a combination of the personal and the universal, through which she expresses general, yet private, themes through the lens of her own experience.


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How to Cite
Vorobiova, M. O., & Kuznietsova, O. V. (2024). METAPHOR AS A DOMINANT LINGUISTIC TOOL IN THE POETRY BY SYLVIA PLATH. New Philology, (94), 35-39.