The article is devoted to the study of the ways of translating implicit information in the collection of essays by Artem Chekh “Absolute Zero”. The purpose of the study is to analyze and identify the peculiarities of reproduction and translation of implicit information in English “Absolute Zero” and German “Nullpunkt” translations. Both general scientific and special linguistic research methods were used in the study. Among the research methods used were the empirical method, general logical methods, such as analysis and synthesis, generalization, and the definitional method, which contributed to the productive and effective collection of theoretical material on which further research was based. In addition, the contextual-interpretative method was used, the purpose of which is to reconstruct the author’s intention, motives and goals, general content, etc., as well as comparative and translational analysis. The article analyses the theoretical foundations of translation of implicit information in a text. The methods of translation that were most often used in the translations of the collection of essays “Absolute Zero” are considered and their definitions are highlighted. Particular attention was paid to the preservation of the author’s style in translation, the transmission of the content and stylistic coloring and realities or their adaptation to a foreign reader. The article analyses fragments of a translation of a work of fiction from Ukrainian into German and English. A comparative description of the two translations is made and it is found that the translator must get acquainted with the cultural specifics of the use of certain words, assess the reader’s readiness to decode implicit information and, accordingly, choose the right strategy for translation. The study has identified and analyzed translation strategies, methods and difficulties. The tendency to use descriptive translation in both languages, the use of notes to explain implicit information in the German translation and their absence in the English version was identified. A tendency towards neutralization in the English translation was also identified.
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