The article focuses on the specifics of translating inaugural speeches, in particular the speech of US President J. R. Biden, into Ukrainian as an important aspect of interlingual and intercultural communication. Since political speeches are not only informative, but also symbolic, emotional and cultural in nature, their translation requires an accurate reproduction of the content and emotional intensity of the original. The authors emphasise the crucial role of the political context, rhetorical techniques and cultural peculiarities that ensure the effective transmission of political ideals and values to the target audience. In particular, the article examines the significance of translation for shaping the ideas of ideals and values that influence the public perception of political discourse. In the main body of the paper, the translation transformations used in the translation of inaugural speeches, namely lexical, stylistic and grammatical, are analysed. Lexical transformations allow conveying the terminology, emotional and symbolic images of the original, while preserving the cultural context for the target audience. Stylistic transformations ensure the reproduction of the emotional and rhetorical component of the text, adapting it to the linguistic and cultural norms of the translation. Grammatical transformations help to reproduce the syntactic features of the original, making the text more dynamic and natural for perception in Ukrainian. The authors conclude that the application of these transformations is a prerequisite for achieving consistency between the style, content and cultural context of the original speech and its translation. This is important for preserving the emotional and ideological impact of the speech on the audience, as inaugural speeches are intended not only to inform, but also to inspire and call for unity. The prospects for further research are seen in the study of national and cultural markers in the speeches of world leaders and the specifics of their translation, which will contribute to the development of methodological approaches in the field of translation of political discourse and analysis of its impact on the international audience.
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