In view of multiple literary texts written in the framework of magic realism poetics in the XXth century, the focus of researchers concentrates on their study from different perspective as they mostly pretend to have deep and polyphonic sense hidden and require multi-aspectual investigation. It stipulates the topicality of this thesis, focusing on the spectre of specific features of magis realism poetics characteristic of Salman Rushdie’s novel “Midnight children” that becomes the object of this research, being studied from the point of view of specific features of mythological background of its magic realistic poetics. Taking into account the absence of systematic investigations of magic realistic works and the novel of Salman Rushdie “Midnight children”, in particular, as well as lack of methodological studies, focusing on the methodology and ways of adoption of such pieces of modern literature into education process and foreign language teaching, it stipulates the aim of the thesis. The aim of this research consists in systematic study of specific features of poetics of magic realism and mythological background of S. Rushdie’s novel poetics in the framework of overall literary process of the ХХth century. The results obtained delineated specific features of S. Rushdie’s novel “Midnight children” with the special accent on unterrelation and interweaving of mythical and realistic within the context of magic realistic novels, reflected on the level of narrative and imagery of the literary text. Myth has a significant role in the creation of a magic line of the novel plot. On the narrative level of the text it is represented by inclusion of mythological personalities of gods, mythological plots of Hinduism, interweaven with mythological images from other cultures, incluing biblical plots, into the text structure, which is the reflection of multicultural context. Moreover, the general tendency of narration of magic line of the plot has mythological features, that is reflected in specific ways of time, place and characters interpretation. Imagery dimension of the text also demonstrated the impact of mythology, reflected in the choice of metaphorical correlates for the objects of reality, some of which acquire the features of a symbol which semantics is also enriched by mythological senses.
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