Keywords: extralinguistic factors, pre-industrial period, ecotribology, biotribology, tribo-informatics, characteristics of the terminological system, tribological term


Tribology has evolved over an extended period and currently stands as an independent scientific discipline with its own system of terms denoting specific concepts in the field. This article examines the formation of the English terminological system of tribology, tracing its development from the pre-industrial period to the present, from the initial accumulation of terms to the establishment of a coherent terminological system. Extralinguistic factors have played a crucial role in the development of tribological terminology, as its formation followed the evolution of scientific theories and technological needs. The foundational vocabulary for tribological concepts emerged during the pre-industrial period, before the 1750s. The subsequent intensification of research and technological advancements spurred the expansion and diversification of terminology, including the introduction of multi-component terms. The formal recognition of tribology as a distinct discipline in the 1960s prompted the borrowing of terms reflecting relevant concepts, primarily from physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, and materials science. Further interaction between tribology and other sciences has facilitated the expansion of its terminology, accompanied by the publication of specialized literature and implementation of industry standards. Since the early 21st century, new terms have emerged for tribological concepts related to environmental protection. The advent of tribotronics and advancements in triboinformatics have further stimulated the development of the terminological system. The article defines the terminological system of tribology as a coherent, structured set of terms that are logically and linguistically interconnected, reflecting the conceptual framework of the field at its current stage of development. The terminological system of tribology is characterized by stability, openness, a degree of dynamism, completeness, and structured organization.


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