Keywords: discourse, popular science discourse, children’s literary discourse, children’s popular science discourse, interdiscursivity


The article deals with English-language children’s popular science discourse as a multifunctional unity concentrating information about scientific facts, events and factors related to scientific realia, presented clearly for children, taking into account the age, gender, cultural and social specifics of its representation. The approaches to discourse research are considered in this article; the main features of popular science and children’s literary discourses are identified. The principles of children’s popular science discourse in cognitive, communicative and metadiscursive categories, marked by the synergy of popular science and children’s literary discourses, are analysed. The cognitive categories of children’s popular science discourse are represented by its intentionality aimed at establishing communication with the children’s audience; informativeness for the dissemination of scientific knowledge adapted to the specific needs of the recipients; and causal, referential and temporal cohesion represented by the semantic and cognitive coherence of the discourse under analysis. The communicative features of children’s popular science discourse are intentionality consisting in establishing connections between communicators of different ages and with different knowledge and experience; addressability, marked by the ambivalence of the simultaneous presence of a child addressee and an adult addressee in the discourse; and situationality of the popular science editions thematic representation and their means of verbal and non-verbal communication. The metadiscursive categories of children’s popular science discourse are represented by discourse forming means, course of communication, phatic communication and genre and stylistic features of discourse. The children’s popular science discourse as a result of the interdiscursive adherence of popular science and children’s literary discourses is a multidimensional phenomenon that represents the surrounding reality in literature and transmits scientific information in an accessible form for a wide children’s audience.


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How to Cite
Chernyk, M. V. (2024). SPECIFICS OF ENGLISH CHILDREN’S POPULAR SCIENCE DISCOURSE. New Philology, (96), 166-172. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2024-96-20