• Yu. Yu. Kovalchuk
Keywords: Chinese, predicate, predicativity, predicative relations, functional-semantic aspect


The article deals with the description of the means of expression of the category of predicate in modern Chinese. In order to fundamentally define and systematize the means of realization of the category of predicate and predicative relations in Chinese, the analysis of predicate category research was chosen as the object of study, and such concepts as predicate, predicative relation and predication process have been characterized. A wide range of research by foreign, Chinese and domestic sinologists, devoted to highlighting the features of the category of predicate has been analyzed, as it has helped to make a thorough systematization of the research of category of predicate in modern Chinese. It has been determined, that when defining a concept of predicate, one should distinguish between logical and grammatical types of predicate, as the logical predicate correlates with the semantic feature, while the grammatical predicate, which is used in Western European and domestic linguistic terminology, is associated with the formal side (part) of the sentence. Thus, the semantic predicate indicates the feature of an object and its ability to change the feature or condition in time and space. It has been determined that the predicate carries the greatest semantic load and is associated with the part of the sentence that contains an argument. The classification of the parts of speech, that have different degrees of predicativeness and can perform the function of a predicate in Chinese, was analyzed. It has also been determined, that a common feature of such parts of speech is the idea of potential variability, i.e. the ability not only to indicate a feature, but also to indicate any changes in the degree of intensity of the feature. It has been analyzed, that Chinese sinologists focus their research on the systematization and in-depth study of the means of realization of predicative relations, which are considered to be the basis of the structure of the Chinese language. In addition, the Western European sinologists focus on the study of categories, that can form predicative relationship, such as: topic & comment. Moreover, it was found out, that the study of the category of predicate in the functionalsemantic aspect is privileged among domestic and foreign sinologists.


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