Keywords: theory of phraseology, theoretical and applied linguistics, interdisciplinary approach, current trends in phraseology, synergy of scientific methods


The idea of integrated science and employment of research methods involving different areas of knowledge have enabled interdisciplinary studies of language. Providing an overview of scientific papers on phraseology published within recent decades, the article compares classical and non-classical approaches to the phraseological subsystem of language, reveals their efficiency in the study of set expressions, explains advantages and limitations of current trends. It is emphasized that the contemporary theory of phraseology has been shaped by various conceptions of set phrases, their classification, and the subject matter of phraseology as a subbranch of linguistics. The proponents of the classical approach have had numerous discussions about the terminological accuracy and relevant criteria in phraseology classification. Language typology, historical and comparative linguistics focus on semantic parametrization of phraseological subsystems, chronological changes and sources of phraseology. Cognitive linguistics, ethno-psycholinguistics, and linguistic culturology look into the images underlying the universal core and culture specific phraseology, embodiment of knowledge and experience in cognitive and language structures. The synergy of cognitive linguistics, linguistic pragmatics and stylistics has made a significant contribution into the study of the functions performed by phraseologisms in various spheres of communication. In recent years there has been a strong tendency in applied phraseology to elaborate language databases for phraseological lexicography and terminology, computer processing of multi-word phrases. The review of the current trends and methods in phraseological studies allows to argue that phraseologisms should become an object of a comprehensive analysis aimed at examining their semiotic functions, discovering their encoding capacity as well as their ability to compactly store and transmit significant elements of culture. An interdisciplinary treatment of phraseologisms may provide a deeper understanding of tendencies in the development of phraseological systems, help to explain historical changes, interpret circumstances, causes and mechanisms of their formation. The findings should increase academic awareness of the current state and perspectives in phraseological studies.


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How to Cite
Polyezhayev, Y. G. (2021). PHRASEOLOGY FROM A COMPREHENSIVE PERSPECTIVE. New Philology, 2(81), 82-88.