Keywords: linguistics, synergetics, system, language, self-organization


Synergetics belongs to interdisciplinary knowledge, which studies a certain class of open nonlinear dissipative dynamic systems. It analyzes the processes of spontaneous emerging and dynamic development of the collective structures from “chaos”. The foundation of synergetic studies in Linguistics is connected to the representatives of the German School of Synergetic Linguistics Wildgen W., Köhler R., and their followers. The researchers considered language as a nonequilibrium, unstable, open, and nonlinear system. Like other nonlinear systems, language is selforganizing and self-regulating system that, during evolution, adapts to the environment both by enriching its composition, and by changing its structure.

As the results of mutual interference with the external environment, culture, and other language systems, inside language system or in some of its subsystems, there may be a state of perturbation, which in the terms of synergy is called bifurcation. Bifurcation is an act of spontaneous, objectively not determined, and therefore unpredictable separation in two of the initially homogeneous material, process, or progress. The moment of bifurcation corresponds to violation of the stability of the evolutionary system. It is a kind of turning point, after which there is a qualitative change in the system. Random variations are called fluctuations. They can be isolated, or can gradually accumulate, which leads to a critical state of the system. To move to a new level of equilibrium the system needs to lose its stability due to random fluctuations.

The terms “coherence” and “attractor” are used to describe the close interactions. Coherence refers to the phenomenon of maintaining the balance between the phases of various oscilatory processes. Attractor is defined as the state that serves to attract and structure the behavior of the components of the system. Attractor is the set of points of dynamic system, to which the trajectory of a dynamic system is attracted over time. The transition through the bifurcation period at certain conditions leads to chaos. Therefore, the equilibrium state of the language system is achieved through a spiral-like transition through the stages chaos - order - chaos. Staying in a state of chaos is inseparably linked with such system's characteristic as openness.


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How to Cite
SHCHERBAK, H. V. (2018). THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES OF LINGUOSYNERGETICS. New Philology, (74), 108-112. Retrieved from