Keywords: discourse, gastronomy, gastronomic discourse, gastronomic picture of the world, linguocultural studies, historical review


The article deals with a historical overview of the general tendencies in the study of gastronomic discourse within the framework of linguistic intelligence. For the first time, attempts to study the features of gastronomic aspect within the framework of philosophical reflections were made in ancient times by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, who emphasized the importance of the influence of food on human existence. However, for many years, a significant scientific work dedicated to this phenomenon hadn’t been created until the XIX century. The interest in this topic was prompted by French researchers, among whom the epicure and gastronome Anthelme Brillat-Savarin could be considered as the first. He created a grounded theoretical work on gastronomy and introduced the concept of “taste” in everyday life. In the early XX century, scientists had a strong interest in the study of gastronomic discourse. This was linked to the development of globalization and mass tourism, which encourages people to study foreign culture closely, including in terms of gastronomy: interest in the culture of national dishes was spreading, national recipes were becoming popular, books on national cuisine were published. Recent trends in the study of gastronomic discourse include the study of gastronomy, for example, in the study of culinary blogging features or a significant interest in gender issues. The gastronomic discourse has been the focus of scholarly work by historians, ethnographers, anthropologists, sociologists who view food as a sociocultural phenomenon, a symbiosis of historical, social and cultural contexts. In modern linguistics, gastronomic discourse is characterized as a complexly organized discursive, multidimensional, heterogeneous formation. This is a special kind of verbal-social discourse, represented by text or speech, which is related to the concept of “food” (product name, process of cooking or consumption, etc.), and its purpose is to achieve a special type of communication: gastronomic communication.


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