Proposition is viewed in the paper as the connection of certain source entities into a single structure via thought. Proposition, according to the research by О. S. Kubryakova can be figurative. It is represented as evaluations, episodes, pictures, and the verb order, where the participants of an event are represented and named, can be characterized as an action, process, attitude that allows to approach the propositions as a structure of consciousness, stored in memory in a complete form, that is, demonstrated by its own form of the representation, and consists only of the individual components at the moment of speech, and before speech. Therefore, in the stages immediately preceding the verbalization of the speech conception , there may be different processes of the membership of the consciousness flow, different ways of thought forming and their further objectification. After all, the creation of speech is regarded as a speech-thinking process that simultaneously drives both cognitive and linguistic structures in their constant interaction and intertwining, and which requires not only special operational mechanisms, but also a kind of the"stability" for the human brain. It is based on its application. Returning to the concept of a sentence, it is worth noting that the understanding a sentence as expressing the kernel or the base of the sentence, which is constructed by a set of the relations between the verb and the noun and contrasted with the "modal component" of a sentence. It was clearly formulated by Ch. Philmore (1981). If the modal characteristics of a sentence includes negation, the time, the way, the kind, then everything that remains after their removal or can be separated from the modal components, forms the meaning of a sentence. Ch. Filmore proposed in this connection the formula "Sentence = modality + proposition", where the sentence includes a verb plus one or more distinct categories. Since the concept of "the verb" is easily transformed into the concept of "the function", and the concept of the noun groups can be associated with the different types of arguments, the given interpretation of the sentence can be correlated with its understanding in Frege’s works (1977).
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